What’s happening in Altos de Chavon?

Besides having wonderful open spaces, oxygen filled ocean breeze and top of the line service, Casa de Campo boasts one of the best hospitals in the Caribbean: The Central Romana Medical Center. Many people might not be aware of the Center’s wonderful facilities and personnel.
Less than 5-minutes away, this private facility is equipped with the latest medical equipment, and is regarded as one of the top medical facilities within the country and the Caribbean.
Designed as a community Service Hospital and exceptionally managed by Dr. Jose Lopez, A New York Mount Sinai Hospital Graduate, the Center has been a pioneer in COVID-19 Protocols in the Caribbean and most of the Americas. The Center is the only medical facility for thousands of Casa de Campo employees, as well as, the sugar mill industry, so they have had to put protocols in place from the beginning to deal with pandemic.
We met with Dr Lopez who explained how the center has best Digital PCR tests in the Country, delivering results in 15 minutes, and that, as of November 18, 2020, they have tested 14,805 patients, with 3,286 testing positive and only 141 hospitalizations.
Why such low numbers? Their Protocol divides patients in 4 Phases, with specific consideration protocols for each phase. So, not only early detention is crucial but the right protocol for each phase has given them a winning record from day one.
Below are photos of the facilities, Dr Lopez, his top staff and his COVID-19statistics. Dr. Lopez and his staff allows us to rest assure in this Casa de Campo world. Should we run into health problems, we have have the Central Romana Medical Center 5 minutes away, where, clearly, they know what they are doing.